Technical and Safety

Technical and Safety Information

Rules, Regulations and Courses

Maritime Rules and Regulations

Auckland Council Harbourmaster Speed Restriction: Please follow this link for the Direction from the ARC Harbourmaster regarding the speed restriction for all high-speed vessel owners which came into effect 31st March 2007. 

Buying a Boat

Serious fisherman, or do you prefer the watersports? Before you buy your boat, think about the type of boating you want to do and understand your own knowledge and experience. It is essential that you get a boat that matches your needs and capabilities. 

Being a Responsible Skipper

Every boat, no matter how big or small, must have a Skipper.  The Skipper is legally responsible for the safety of the boat and all the people on board. The skipper is also responsible for complying with not only OBC rules but all the relevant maritimes rules and regulations. Encourage your crew and passengers to be involved by taking part in the operation of the boat. This will increase their maritime knowledge and enjoyment. 

Educational Boating Courses

Caostguard Boating Education offers courses for boaties on various skills. The two most popular are the Day Skipper CBE Certificate and the Maritime VHF Operator’s Certificate. The next step is Boatmaster. For more information, see the Coastguard Boating Education website: or call them on 09 361 4700.

Day Skipper CBE Certificate Course

This course develops more responsible attitudes in small boat users. It is for those who are new to boating or have little experience. This includes family members and crew. The course is broken up into five units:

  • The Boat
  • Navigation
  • Rules & Regulations
  • Emergencies, and
  • Knots.

It is a 15 hour course, running during times to suit - evenings, weekends or daytime. It is open to people over the age of fifteen. 

Maritime VHF Radio Operator’s Certificate Course

A MVOC qualification and a call sign is a requirement for all persons who wish to use Marine VHF. Both the course and callsign can be ordered direct via the website. The course is run over either two week nights or one Saturday. 

Boatmasters Course

The Boatmasters course is for people with some experience on the water and are moving into ownership or wish to have more advanced knowledge of sheltered water boating. This is open to people over the age of fifteen. It is recommended that the Day Skipper course is completed prior to the Boatmaster course. 

